Tractor Alternator 15451-64010


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Kubota Alternator (15451-64010)

Ford/New Holland – SBA185046180
Kubota – 15451-64010, 15763-64010, 15763-64011, 15763-64012
Universal Products – 27020-12011

Ford/New Holland Models: 1210 Compact Tractor, 1310 Compact Tractor, 1510 Compact Tractor, 1710 Compact Tractor
Kubota Models: KH191 Excavator, L2850DT, L2850DTGST, L2850F, L3250DT, L3250F, L3300DT, L3750, L3750DT, L4150, L4150DT, L4150DTN, L4350DT, L4850DT, L5450DT, M4030, M4030DT, M4950, M4950DT, M4950DTS, M4950S, M5030, M5030DT, M5030SU, M5030SUMDT, M5500DT, M5950, M5950DT, M5950DTS, M5950S, M6030, M6030DT, M6030DTN, M6030DTNB, M6950, M6950DT, M6950DTS, M6950S, M6970DT, M7030, M7030DT, M7030DTNB, M7030N, M7030SU, M7030SUDT, M7500, M7500ACL, M7500DT, M7500DTACL, M7950, M7950DT, M7950DTS, M7950H, M7950S, M7970DT, M8030, M8030DT, M8950, M8950DT, M8950DTS, M8950S, M8970DT

Tech. Data:
12v, 35 amp, E/R Denso type w/three (3) ear mount. Features B+ post and one (1) three wire-single plug connector with E (ground), F (+ from reg), and N (AC) spades. Replaces Hitachi units.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in


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