“Cordexagri Large Square Baler Twine”
Cordexagri proudly presents our “Balecord” Large Square Baler Twine brand baler twine. Balecord offers the contractor a full range of twines that can be used in all Small and Large Square Baler Twine machines.
Standard Colors are Orange, Blue, White and Yellow, many other colors available upon request. Additional sizes are available by request. All Twine Product Sales Are Handled by Our Professional Product Specialists.
Prices may vary depending on order quantity. We are a twine manufacturing company going directly to the customer. Compare our prices and quality to a comparable product and come back to us for the final quote. We will not be undersold.
Why Cordexagri Professional Grade Baler Twine?
Premium Quality
- Heavy Duty
- Tension Tested
- Ultraviolet Stabilized
- Less down time
- Polypropylene
- ISO 9001:2008 certified. That means We Care That You Receive Premium Quality. “Bale with Ultimate Strength”
Why Cordexagri in your Baler?
Baler Twine Prices to Meet Your Budget! Factory Direct.
- Only Manufacture to Produce ALL Products!
- Pre-Season Discounts Available.
- Ship Factory Direct to your Farm, Ranch or Custom Operation
- All Colors, All Sizes, All Balers!
- FREE Freight Available. Call Now!
Preseason Ordering begins October and continues through December. Preseason ordering discount and prepaid cash discount available. All products are manufactured and distributed by Cordexagri.
Craig Emerson is your California and Nevada Representative and is currently booking orders to guarantee your product, color and discount choices are locked in. Please call him to get your season long locked in price today
Need more product information? Visit EmersonAG, Call Craig Emerson, email Contact Us
Craig M. Emerson is the Cordexagri (North America) Factory Representative for California and Nevada Territories.
EmersonAG.com | USA
USA Cordexagri | 501 Cambria Ave. | BENSALEM PA 19020 | USA
Copyright © 2012 Emerson Ag & Industrial | CORDEX NA Twines | Caveman Creations
Cordex Large Square Baler Twine in action
Bale with Ultimate Strength! Order Today!
The management system governing the manufacture of this product is ISO 9001:2008 certified. That means We Care That You Receive Premium Quality. “Bale with Ultimate Strength”
Contact Us Now for Your Direct Ship Pricing!!
“Once you go Cordex you’ll never go back!” “Bale with Ultimate Strength”