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Diesel Oil Filters Need To Be Replaced!

Diesel Oil Filters Need To Be Replaced!

The Lubrication SystemHere is a quick lesson on why oil filters need to be replaced. Nothing will damage your engine in the short term and long term as quickly as oil that is not properly serviced. Coolant runs a close second, but without proper oil maintenance your engine basically shuts down. Rod bearing or main bearing failure, due to low oil pressure is the most drastic of failures. These bearings are in direct contact your crankshaft and have oil “pressurized” past them. When the oil becomes excessively contaminated or low oil pressure, the bearing can “seize” to the crankshaft. If a rod bearing seizes to the crankshaft, the crankshaft is generally damaged. If a main bearing seizes to the crankshaft, the crankshaft and most often the engine block is damaged also. If the main bearing “spins”, the block where the bearing rides wears so that the block will not hold a new bearing. Continue reading Diesel Oil Filters Need To Be Replaced!